Sunday, October 23, 2016

2016 in a blur

     2016 is almost over. and I have failed to post a single thing!
It's been a Year!   Many changes have come to my life in the last year.
  I have now been working at the High school for over a year now.
I have experienced many new things in my job.
I have learned many things, and have seen and learned things that sometimes I wish I hadn't seen or learned!
   But one of the most amazing things is the relationships I have formed with these young people.
 I look back to when I was there age( which is a lot longer ago than I will admit) and I see what they face today, and I want to cry for them.
  I have spent many nights crying for these young people who just want to be loved and accepted.
 And I have spent many hours trying to figure out how I could adopt them all and make their lives better.
  But I can't!  And not being able to fix something is hard for me!  I can only listen, and let them know that I care, and I will listen without judgment, but I will always add my kindly spoken 2 sense if they are doing wrong.
      If I was doing this job for the money I would not have lasted a year.
 But each day I go to work, hoping to make a positive difference in some teenagers life each day.
  I hope that I am not the only one that acknowledges them each day, but if I am, I am glad I did.
This job has come with struggles, and heartache, and lots and lots of frustration.
   But when a student walks into your office and says" Mrs, Jones, I just need to talk to you for a minute, it's been a rough day"  or they come up to you and say I missed you, where were you?"
 or they hug you and say," You actually care about me don't you?" it makes it worth going everyday.

Life is amazing, and the daily lessons and experiences we endure are so uniquely individual, that there is no way I could ever deny that God has a hand in my life each and every day!
  If you would have asked me 14 months ago What my life would look like today, i would have never imagined or thought I would be where I am today, or doing what I am today!
  But here I am!  And here I am learning, and here I am growing, but most importantly, here I am stretching outside my comfort zone, trying to be a positive influence in the life of someone each day!
  here is hoping that I can be, and I can continue to learn right along with these young people!