Thursday, December 12, 2013

Christmas comes but once a year.

   My amazing husband just informed me that Christmas is only 2 weeks away!
His words were, " Just so you know, you only have 2 weeks till Christmas"!
  I guess that is his way of saying I need to get motivated and accomplish what needs to be accomplished before December 25th!  So..........
I will boldly admit that it is December 12th, and I have not bought a single Christmas gift for anyone.
  I am usually not the worlds worst procrastinator, but this year I feel that if I refuse to acknowledge that my year is almost over, then it will not end.
  I feel that if I start shopping and buying and focusing on all the "stuff" that comes with Christmas, then I might lose focus.  I might forget what Christmas is.  And I will lose the magic I see in my daughters eyes as she hangs the Christmas stockings, or decorates the tree. Or the joy on her face as she  hangs lights in her room.   So I guess I am not procrastinating, or refusing to admit that Christmas is almost upon us.
     I am just refusing to lose the peace and contentment  I am feeling, just watching the joy it all brings to my daughter.  She is eight this year. In almost a month she will turn nine.  It just hit me that soon she wont believe in Santa Clause, and soon she will be questioning all those magical childhood stories. And I am not ready for her to lose the magic of childhood.   I am not ready because seeing that magic in her eyes, is my favorite part of the holidays.   She is my magic!
         Tonight before bed we read a story about a family that didn't put the baby Jesus in their nativity scene till Christmas morning to remind them that we are all waiting for our savior, just like the wise men and shepherds, and Joseph and Mary.  So she asked me if we could wait till Christmas morning to put baby Jesus in our Nativity.   And I wanted to cry, I love her, and her faith, and acceptance, and all she is and does, to remind me of the amazing love our Heavenly Father has for me.  She truly is an amazing Christmas
        She got in trouble and had to stay after school for the first time ever today.  I asked her what she had learned from what she did wrong, and she gave me a whole list of grown up answers of things she had learned, and then she came home and did her homework, and practiced her times tables and when I reminded her to write properly she burst into tears.   My first thought was to ask her what in the world was wrong and tell her to stop crying. But then the mom in me asked her if it had just been a rough day?  She said yes and cried harder, so I asked her if she needed a hug, and she fell into my arms crying.  Within a few minutes she was better and happy and content.  I don't ever want her to outgrow the stage where a hug or kiss can make it all better, but I know someday it will happen. But for now I will remember that Christmas comes but once a year, and  thankfully I am the mother of this beautiful child ,every day all year long. And I will find a way to accomplish, all that "stuff" but hopefully not lose the magic of it all!

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