Wednesday, October 9, 2013

When life gives you lemons.

So life has given me lots of lemons over the past couple months.

  The first being the passing of my amazing Grandfather.  This has been the hardest lemon to try and make into lemonade, but I am trying daily to find the positive in this and to look for ways my life has been blessed for knowing and loving this man.    I miss him so much!  He was a constant in my life.
   I learned a lot from being there with him in his final hours and seeing his love for all his family who were present.   He has taught me that families are forever, and goodbye is not the end! He told us all, see ya later!  And I know I truly will!

     My next lemon has come in the form of illness.   First my daughter, she was so sick we ended up in the E.R.  After a week of fevers and puking, four bags of fluid, and some amazing anti nausea medicine, she began to recover!   That lemon taught me to make lemonade in the form of gratitude!    I think we all need these" lemons" to help keep us grateful for the little things in life, like 2 hours, of uninterrupted sleep, or that she made it to the toilet to puke instead of all across the kitchen floor again!  But mostly gratitude when her fever broke, and she was able to rest soundly, or the moments when she just wanted mom to hold her.   I am grateful to be her mom! She is such a blessing in my life!
  The most difficult lemon I have dealt with lately is my husband!!!!  Well he isn't a lemon, he is amazing and wonderful and all that other mushy gushy stuff that you can say about the love of your life!  
    Two weeks after our daughter got sick, he did also.  So naturally we assume it is the same thing, and as long as he is staying hydrated we were going to let it run it's coarse.    But it didn't , he just got worse and with different symptoms, so I finally dragged him out of bed and carried him to the E.R.   Now just for information purpose, we have been married for almost 10 years, and none of us have ever had to go to the E.R.  for ten years!  So 2 in two weeks is defiantly a record!    So after every test imaginable and 6 hours in the E.R. We are told he most likely has West Nile Virus, but the tests won't be back for a few days.  We'll a few days later it was confirmed to be west Nile.
   So of coarse I spend the next day or so researching the heck out of WNV.  And I didn't like what I found.  It has made him tired constantly he has lost a lot of weight, the headaches and loss of appetite, on top of being susceptible to every cold that blows in the wind.  It's been a challenge to stay positive, it's been a challenge to find the "lemonade" of it all.  So on bad days we count the good days, and on good days we thank our Heavenly Father for the blessings we have.   Our motto is , it could be worse!
It is definitely a lesson on patience and trusting in the lords will and timing.

Which brings me to my final "Lemon" !  Another failed fertility treatment!  Yes everything looked perfect!  The count was amazing the egg was good size, I actually  O'd.  But it didn't happen.
  So I am taking a break.  I need a breather and I need some time to get my head back in the game and some time to learn and to make lemonade.
    My lemonade from this lemon has led me on the journey to better me!
I am going to the gym everyday with friends and I am actually loving it!!!
 Trying new workouts and learning more about being a healthier better me!  I feel amazing after only 2 weeks back at the gym!  So as for my "lemons" you can join me any day you would like, I have been given enough lemons to make a huge batch of lemonade!!!!!!

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