Sunday, January 27, 2013

Blogging (Nov 2012)

 So I have realized that my blog has evolved from a blog about our family events, to a personal blog in which I have shared my feelings and thoughts about what is going on in my personal life, mostly about our battle with infertility.
I have come to realize that I need somewhere to vent and to explain and sometimes just empty my thoughts. And I don't particularly care to share with the whole world, but the thought that maybe, just maybe someone reads my blog and they can relate, or it helps them realize they are not alone in their struggles. That thought motivates me to write. My blog is not entertaining, most the time it is not even informational, but it is mine! And I have no idea who or if anyone reads it but it helps me.
And so I write. I have started a new chapter in my life, by first moving to a new state and a new town, twelve hours from the place we called home! It has been an adventure, and as I spend this first week , trying to get our lives in order, I wonder if things will ever feel the same again? Or do I even want them to be the same again? Moving has challenged me a lot! My husband is fond of telling me that when I get in my comfort zone I am so stubborn that it will take a miracle to get me out of it! Well I am 12 hours from my comfort zone, I am 12 hours from our families, I am twelve hours from the life we have known for the past 8 1/2 years. I think I was in denial when we started applying for jobs elsewhere, I guess I thought that we wouldn't get the job? Not because my husband isn't qualified, he is the most talented, hard working man I know! but I guess my comfort zone had made me sooo comfortable that I failed to seek for the inspiration from my Heavenly Father. So the day we got the email offering him the job, was the day I realized I was not prepared for this. As I have previously posted, moving was a real challenge and trial for me, but as we are finally moved, and we have been here 5 days, I am beginning to see the inspiration in this move, I am beginning to feel immense gratitude for my Father in Heaven and my awesome husband in getting me out of my comfort zone, so that I can feel and experience these new things, no it is not a piece of cake, but it is like I get the opportunity to start new! To start fresh, and to find me!! I am a daughter of a Heavenly Father who loves me, and he knows me and knows what is best for me, and my stubbornness! And he has greatly blessed me with an amazing companion, who is the best thing that ever happened to me!

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