Sunday, January 27, 2013

Pain? (january 2012)

I have truly come to know what the scriptures mean when they say past feeling, or hardened your heart! Tonight I came to an astounding discovery about myself. I have become this way about certain trials in my life that I have had to face. I have made the unconscious decision somewhere along this journey that not feeling would be easier than feeling the pain . And so I hardened my heart, to not feel the pain, and tonight, It scared me to realize I could be that way, it scared me to realize I couldn't emotionally feel what I needed to feel, and so it has made me ponder my thoughts and my heart, and to wonder if this unconscious decision to not feel has effected my relationships with my Heavenly Father and my loved ones in any way . And so, I am consciously making the decision to feel . Pain is as big of a part of life as Joy and happiness and you can't feel one without the other, so here's to life! And the pain and joy that come with it!

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